What’s next for me, Flaminia?

Good morning my precious and loyal Flaminions. It’s me, Flaminia. I’m blogging again, you can stop holding your breath now!

People have been asking where they can see me, and the truth is I don’t have a lot of physical gigs planned. That doesn’t mean I’m not busy though. I’ve got so many things in the works. I wanted to write a post to tell you all about it ♡

My show, Brews & Broads, got cancelled. My contact and the reason I got the show to begin with is no longer a co-owner of the venue. Whoever runs their social media accounts now straight up ghosted me. I’m a little bitter about being ghosted, but kind of relieved that that show is over. Promoting it and making sure people actually attended was stressful. It was still excellent experience, and something I’d dreamed of for so many years. Now I have a better understanding of my strengths and desires.

I’ve been offered plenty of gigs, but at this point in my drag career I’m not interested in the standard drag format. I’m not doing drag for the money, so I’m gonna do what I actually wanna do. Lip syncing is not fulfilling to me. It hasn’t been for a long time. It’s still fun once in a while, but there’s so many things I’d rather be doing. It’s frustrating that even though there’s more drag artists than ever, most shows are still just a long series of lip sync numbers. Most spaces just don’t have the acoustics, equipment, or interest for live singing, theater, or anything different.

This website’s been reinvigorating. It’s my platform to do art that I care about. Even if nobody’s actually looking at it right now it’s satisfying to express myself in ways that aren’t possible in the ephemeral minutes spent on stages in night clubs and casinos. Here’s some of what I want to do here next…


I’ve been updating my diary pretty regularly. I’ve never kept a diary before this website, and it’s been nice to check in with myself regularly. Plus, it’s a good way to keep tabs on little website updates. I’ll do more with this blog too. I’ve mostly been using it as retrospectives for shows, and I’ll keep doing that. I’d also like to write more reviews, my insights and opinions on queer culture, and other meshugaas like my feud with Ambrosia. I want to make a new page for fiction too. I’ve dabbled in creative writing in the past, and daydreaming in my own worlds for far too long now.


I have a whole slew of art pages up already, and that’s just what I’ve decided to show you! I want to continue all of the series that are up there right now, and potentially start some new ones. I draw, sculpt, or model pretty much every day. I either need to get better at finishing things, or get more comfortable posting works in progress (It will most likely be the latter). Eventually I’d like to settle into a regular upload schedule, but for now you get what you get when you get it.


It’s a lifelong dream of mine to develop games. I graduated with a degree in 3D Art and Game Design years ago, but don’t have much to show for it. Granted, that university curriculum was kind of atrocious and most of what I know now I knew before I started or have learned from YouTube. It’s still something I’m studying in the background of everything else going on in my life. I’m going to start simple and work my way up to grander projects. Technically my Flaminimis are a game, but I’ll make some digital ones that are playable directly on site too. My stepfather has been asking me for a falafel themed game… long story.


I love to sing. Each time I sing live I get better at working with the crowds and microphones. The other week my mom (biological, not drag) had some friends over for Karaoke. They were all quite impressed with my voice. One of them actually has an in-home studio and plays a lot of instruments. He invited me to come record with him sometime! Expect some covers soon. I’ll still sign up for open stages when the mood strikes to sing a tune for you all as well. I’ve started writing a few original songs, but nothing finished enough to share (except with Ambrosia and some other close friends).


Let’s face it, I’m too pretty not to be in front of a camera more. Plus, who’s actually reading these days? I try, but delicious video content is just so much easier. This weekend I’m gonna be filming the first of what hopefully becomes a recurring show for the site! Everyone I’ve shown the outline too thinks it has a lot of potential. Now more than ever it’s important for the wider world to really get to know us. That was my goal with Brews & Broads, and I know I can do even more with this new program. What’s kept drag fresh all these years hasn’t been the shows. The market is oversaturated with a lot of the same. Behind the scenes, listening to these people’s stories, thoughts, and opinions is what has kept me around. That’s what I want to share with the world.

Ok thanks for going with me on this little ramble. I’d love to hear from you all about what you like best on the site, and what you’d like to see more of. Keep an eye out on my diary for whatever I add or change to the site next. You can find me on socials linked below too, since I still begrudgingly use those. Until then, toodle-oo!


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