
One panel comics, drawn on paint swatches

I don’t remember how this started or why, but I started doodling little illustrations on paint swatches. The kind you get at Home Depot. My friends started to bring me them (mostly my drag sister Rory).

Sometimes I would just do whatever the color made me want to draw. Over time they mostly started being jokes or designs based on the name of the paint color.

The thing that keeps me making them is that they’re so low stakes. I’m often too meticulous for my own good, I’ll spend hours nitpicking details on a project. These are a good reminder to not take myself so seriously

I don’t remember how this started or why, but I started doodling little illustrations on paint swatches. The kind you get at Home Depot. My friends started to bring me them (mostly my drag sister Rory).

Sometimes I would just do whatever the color made me want to draw. Over time they mostly started being jokes or designs based on the name of the paint color.

The thing that keeps me making them is that they’re so low stakes. I’m often too meticulous for my own good, I’ll spend hours nitpicking details on a project. These are a good reminder to not take myself so seriously.

Below are Swatchies featured in
Fagiolina Magazina

Dainty Apricot

Lazy Lizard!